Channel: Brick In The Yard Mold Supply
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: brickintheyardresin casting tutorialartkast into alginatelifecast moldlifecastingmonster gel alginaterubber moldlifecasting tutoriallifecasting alginatehandcasting tutorialbity mold supplyartkast resinmonstergel alginateartkast pourable resin
Description: In this video we use our new ArtKast Pourable resin to cast a positive from a Monster Gel alginate mold. This video is the result of some tests I did after a recent lifecasting class we had. Matthew Mungle mentioned that he had poured our new ArtKast resin into an alginate mold with good results. I ran a small test, and it worked great, even with a fairly runny batch of alginate. We did this hand to see how it would work on a larger cast and the results were great! No hair dryer was needed! Tube for hand mold: Monster Gel Alginate: ArtKast Pourable Resin: