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Duration: 15:12Views: 5.3KLikes: 307Date Created: Oct, 2018

Channel: Izadi

Category: Entertainment

Tags: arman izadinevadacarvinglas vegasvloggerpumpkinshalloweenizadichairityvlogmuhahaboys and girls clubfungraffiti mansionarmani

Description: We carved over 500 Pumpkins to raise funds and awareness for the Boy's & Girls Club of Nevada and it was insane how much support we we got! DONATE: donate.bgca.org/maindonationform/rc_connect__campaign_designform?id=70146000000QjdVAAS&form=00P46000001FXA4EAO&gclid=CjwKCAjw3qDeBRBkEiwAsqeO7tYrUBvFqArMMLn3DMTsnWr6WYorTZqPUbU1MKpjchsXWOjcX7us2xoC_U8QAvD_BwE DrinkBeverages: instagram.com/idrinkbeverages Magician Cam: instagram.com/cameronshadow Tina: instagram.com/tinasnam Randy: instagram.com/randyfoster Brandy: instagram.com/bstar22 Stokes: instagram.com/stokeslv Sancho: instagram.com/sanchovanryan Cy: instagram.com/cywaits Las Vegas Hair Salon: instagram.com/kcshardrocklv Miss Las Vegas: instagram.com/missamericanv #Izadi #GraffitiMansion #Pumpkins MERCH ⇒ graffitimansion.com INSTAGRAM ⇒ instagram.com/IZADI TWITTER ⇒ twitter.com/IZADI Become a super subscriber today by clicking the “JOIN” icon (only available on computer or laptop). Gain epic perks like icons, random giveaways, and more! **IF YOU ARE READING THIS I NEED YOUR HELP** 1. SUBSCRIBE 2. TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS 3. LIKE THE VIDEO PLEASE 4. COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE PART 5. KEEP READING AND SUPPORT US.. WE CAN'T KEEP DOING THESE PROJECTS WITHOUT YOUR HELP... LIKE FOR REAL 6. FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/izadi Thanks for watching and support Graffiti Mansion, it means the world. SMASH that SUBSCRIBE button baby lets go! My name is Armani Izadi and welcome to my channel! This channel follows my life as a graffiti artist and mood director! The fact that you even clicked on my channel is more than enough, but if you enjoy the content, feel free to subscribe!

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