Channel: Tama Hero
Category: Gaming
Tags: transfer pakhow topokemon bankvirtual consolepokemon sword and shieldgba to ds pokemon tradepokemon tutorialpokemon crystalgold and silverhow to transfer pokemonnintendo 64pokemon stadiumreplace gameboy cartridge batterygba to 3dspokemonpokemon labgbahow to transferpokemon stadium 2n64transfer tutorialpokemon virtual consolegba to dstradetransfertransfer to virtual consoletrade pokemonpokemon hometransfer pokemon
Description: Whether you play on GameBoy or Virtual Console, it's hard to get the complete Pokémon experience. But what if you can do both and experience it all with your Pokemon? Today Tama explains how to move your friends from cartridge to 3DS so you can transfer your Pokemon to Home and then Sword and Shield! Click here to subscribe! Helpful links: GSC to Virtual Console Save converter - How to get the natures you want on Virtual Console Pokemon - SOCIAL LINKS: See more videos: Support the show and watch the full version! I stream on Twitch as TamashiiHiroka Follow me on Twitter! NEW! Instagram! #TamaHero #Pokemon #TransferPokemon