Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: wild animals for kidsedutainmenteducationanimals for kids99%country quizcountry nameslearningwild animalsare you geniusbest country in the worldcountries namecan you guessguess the animalwildlifequizriddlesfun learninganimals namespuzzlesnaturecountry quiz questionstourist destinationguess the countrycountry game4 pics 1 wordonly 1%wild animals names
Description: Guess the Country from Travel Pictures, Part 1: Part 2: Country inventions Quiz Questions: What Every Asian Country is Best at: Can you guess the country from its wild animals? In this video, there are 18 country quiz questions with 4 wild animals endemic to a particular country. You have 15 seconds to guess the country. In the end of each quiz question, we list the names of all the exotic and wild animals. These country games are a fun way for kids to learn about the countries and wild animals, both. Hope you will enjoy the video. Thank You. List of Country and its Wild Animals: Japan - Japanese Macaque (Snow Monkey) (National Animal), Sika Deer, Tanuki (Raccoon Dog), Red-crowned crane India - One-horned Rhinoceros, Peacock, Bengal Tiger, Blackbuck Canada - Canada Lynx, Beaver (National Animal), Giant Canadian Goose, Moose Australia - Kangaroo, Koala, Platypus, Wombat, Tasmanian Devil New Zealand - Kiwi, Tuatara, Yellow eyed penguin, Kea Mountain Parrot, Takahe flightless bird USA - Bison, Bald eagle, rattlesnake, raccoon, elk Russia - reindeer, eurasian otter, Brown Bear, Siberian Tiger, Eurasian Lynx, grey wolf Saudi Arabia - Dromedary Camel, Arabian oryx, sand cat, Arabian Leopard, Caracal ( Desert Lynx) China - Giant Panda, Chow Chow (Tibet Lion), Golden Snub-nosed Monkey (photo by Giovanni Mari) , Golden Pheasant Brazil - Brazilian Tapir, Toco toucan, Pink Dolphin, Poison Dart Frog, Golden Lion Tamarin Philippines - Philippine Eagle (photo by Harrybalais), Philippine Tarsier, Palawan Bearcat (Binturong), Mindoro Crocodile, Mouse-Deer Madagascar - Ring tailed Lemurs, Fossa, panther Chameleon, Red ruffed Lemur South Africa - Cape Buffalo, Gemsbok, Springbok, Lion, Aardvark (photo by MontageMan) Sri Lanka - Srilankan jungle fowl, Elephant, Grey Hornbill, Toque macaque monkeys Malaysia - Malayan Tapir, Orangutan, Malayan peacock-pheasant, Sun Bear Indonesia - Komodo Dragon, Sumatran Orangutan, Babirusa (photo by Masteraah), Javan Rhinoceros, Anoa Buffalo (By Sakurai Midori) Congo - Mountain Gorilla, Bonobo, Okapi, Banded Mongoose Venezuela - Capybara, Scarlet ibis, Red howler monkey ( photo by Cathy Cotton), Giant Anteater More videos on Edutainment: Can you guess the country from the Emoji puzzles: Learn the meaning of Asian Big Companies: Join: Epic World: Epic Hollywood: Epic IQ: