Channel: Mitten Squad
Category: Gaming
Tags: can you beat stardew valley without planting any cropscan you beat starredcan you beat stardew valleystardew valley duplication glitchstardew valley dupe glitchstardew valley duplication exploitcan you beat stardew valley withoutstardew valleymittensquadcan you beat stardew valley without planting anythingstardew valley duplicate itemscan you beat stardew valley without cropscan you beatcan you beat stardew valley without farmingmitten squad
Description: Stardew Valley is probably the most intense game of all time. It’s got farming and combat and relationships with complete strangers and even a mouse that sells hats. But what if you didn’t want to be a farmer? Can You Beat Stardew Valley Without Planting Any Crops? Mitten Squad Discord: Check out some of my other videos if you liked this one: Can You Beat Bioshock With Only A Wrench?: Can You Beat Fallout 4 Without A Pip-Boy?: Can You Beat Skyrim With Only A Fork?: Can You Beat Fallout 3 as a Baby?: Can You Beat Skyrim By Only Using Shouts?: Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only A Commie Whacker?: Can You Beat Honest Hearts Without Taking Any Damage?: Twitter: Can You Beat Stardew Valley Without Planting Any Crops? (in text form) Let’s, right now, just the two of us, clarify what I mean when I say “Beat Stardew Valley”, because unlike most games, there is no definitive point where you “beat” Stardew Valley, where the final credits roll. There are a couple different late-game tasks you could complete to consider yourself having beaten the game, but for the purposes of this video, I just want to complete the Community Center. If you can do that, you’ve probably got yourself a pretty decent farm, have gotten some Iridium tools, and are well-acquainted with the neanderthals infesting the town. Now, to even have a chance at making this challenge work, we’re going to have to cheat a little. An age-old exploit got patched, but we can still mess with a few things to accomplish our goal of taking over Pelican Town. If you wanna make these exploits work, there are a couple important things you need to do before you begin. First, buy a Mac. Stardew Valley is a gamer’s game and you’ll need a real deal gaming machine to handle everything we’re gonna throw at it. Don’t try this on a PlayStation or an Xbox or god forbid one of those stupid windows computers you have to put together yourself. If I wanted to put stuff together, I’d buy a shelf, But I’m here to break Stardew Valley in half and decorate the giant crevice that rips the town in half. Okay, now we understand each other, the real game can begin. The first exploit stems from your character name. Every item in this game has an ID associated with it, and someone found out that if you put one of those item IDs in your name, you’ll get those items any time someone says your name in-game. Generally, when doing this, you’d want to go with some item to sell for quick money and two kinds of valuable seeds, but because I have no interest in putting my favorite hoe to work early in the morning, I didn’t cheat any seeds into my inventory. I went with a Stardrop, a Prismatic Shard, and a Rocky Mountain Candy Cane. I’ll explain what those three items do in a minute if you’re like cowboy-hat-in-a-cubicle guy and can’t figure it out for yourself.