Channel: SurrealBeliefs
Category: Gaming
Tags: grand cathay campaign warhammer 3cathay legendary lordswarhammer 3 campaign gameplaymiao ying campaigncathay total war warhammer 3cathay unit rosterwarhammer 3 cathaywarhammer 3 campaigncathay campaign total warcathay campaign total war warhammer 3warhammer 3 cathay campaigngrand cathay campaign gameplaycathaygrand cathaytotal war warhammer 3 cathay campaigncathay warhammer 3total war cathaywarhammer 3 race guidetotal war warhammer 3
Description: Pre-order Total War: Warhammer 3 here: This is a comprehensive guide to Grand Cathay led by Ming Miao. In this video, we go over the ivory road, starting decisions, building management, technology, new Warhammer 3 QoL additions, research, yin and yang harmony management and there's even a unit overview of our starting units. It's a substantive race guide that will allow you to jump right into the game's launch. 0:00 Cathay Introduction 1:00 Campaign Overview 2:14 The Great Bastion 3:37 Wu Xing Compass 6:00 The Ivory Road 8:36 Yin & Yang 9:42 Building Management & Growth Strategy 13:29 Auto-Construct Buildings! 14:30 Missions Revamp 15:21 Battle Harmony 16:01 Cathay Army Unit Overview 16:04 Unit Overview - Miao Ying 17:13 Unit Overview - Peasant Long Spearmen 17:35 Unit Overview - Peasant Archers 17:45 Unit Overview - Peasant Horsemen 18:02 Unit Overview - Jade Warriors 18:28 Unit Overview - Sky-junk 19:01 Unit Overview - Celestial Dragon Crossbowmen 19:20 Unit Overview - Celestial Dragon Guard 19:58 Cathay Field Battle Tactics 23:32 Post-Battle Choices 25:19 Cathay Technology 26:46 Diplomacy Changes 28:52 Final Words #Warhammer3 #Warhammer3Cathay #SurrealBeliefs HOW TO PLAY GRAND CATHAY FACTION GUIDE - Total War Warhammer 3 About SurrealBeliefs: Hi everyone, my name is Matt or you may know me by SurrealBeliefs or Surreal! I've been around for a while playing games like Total War and Mount and Blade almost exclusively with several notable, enjoyable exceptions. I create video series that immerses you into the worlds that I get to play in through compelling storytelling, in the hopes to help you enjoy and appreciate the rich lore and history within the game.