Channel: Austin Campbell
Category: Entertainment
Tags: wheelssubsfabsoundhpleddipbodyapexwhitereviewenginesspeakerswoodplastiloudmouthmtxhorselightslptintedthrottlemotorscosche20122011platisdipupdate2010coldbestaircankencamarokitrootaudiopowerintakelightsloudsportscustomblackwindowsfastddx719ledskicker
Description: FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER @Austinc105 FOR MORE FREQUENT UPDATES THE MORE FOLLOWERS I GET THE MORE ILL BE TWEETING. THANKS! Want to know how i make my money? check out quick update of my car i got a scosche kit with a ken wood ddx719 head unit and made all the chrome on the car black, made the brake calipers white and made the wheels black all with plasti dip. I also go a ported and polished throttle body from apex motor sports.(very impressed)