Channel: ellieV
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how to buildaffordablelego reviewlego building ideasadult lego collector2021building an electric carlego for teensfamily friendlyafolspeed buildelectric carrenewable energyno swearinglego friends
Description: Well, I can't afford petrol anymore and I can't afford an electric car, so what's a girl to do? Find consolation in Lego 👍🏻. Lego Friends Electric Car is a little build from 2021 but it certainly points in the right direction. If you've just dropped by, I'm Ellie! Lego is an artistic medium and no matter your building expertise there is something here for everyone. Stick around and I'll build for you while I review new sets and create my own customs (MOCs). I tend to geek out about new pieces, get excited about learning new and interesting building techniques, giggle too much and just generally ramble. I'm easily distracted so things can get a bit hectic, but I'm sure you're down for that. And don't forget that you can also get an ellieV t-shirt and other stuff from here! Custom Lego builds Lego minidoll repaints Too Much single colour build challenge Please subscribe and like if you enjoy - I appreciate every single one of your views! Music - Stuck in a Strut (audioblocks)