Channel: Interesting Ficus
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how to buildingspeed buildersbuildingspeed buildbuilding primitive houseficustime lapseviking houseprimitive houseblah blah recordshouse in 60 daysinteresting ficusprimitive technologybuilding a houseinterestinginteresting fikusreal housetranslate russian to englishdream housecreative housespeed buidingreal life60 days build2-storey househouse steamprimitive skills
Description: Hi guys! You’re watching Interesting and Ficus. This is a new episode of the house in 60 days. Just if you haven't watched our previous videos, we built this house in 60 days and we have been doing renovation for several months now. It’s endless and we can’t finish it. This is our hall. This is the kitchen area. Bathroom. My room and Sergey's room. Today we’ll finally get to the attic and do something cool. "Wheelers Builders". Here we create and tune interesting cars with our own hands: Very Cool DIY Channel: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound! #real#house#diy