Channel: The Survival Gardening Channel with David The Good
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: compostingplanting pastureplanting no-till by handbiomass cropno tillcover crop plantingbuild soil humusmaking compostdavid the goodno till gardeninggabe brownfast humusfast cover cropcover cropsregenerative agcitulturecover cropdeer plotmob grazingsustainable farminggreen manuresmall-scale no till
Description: When the dirt is lousy, get some life in it fast! Compost Everything: Subscribe to the newsletter: David's Gardening Books: Compost Your Enemies t-shirts: David's gardening blog: Today we are planting a no-till cover crop by broadcasting seed and spreading some hay over it. This should rapidly create biomass. We are planting sunn hemp, sudan/sorghum, sunflowers, white clover, brown top millet, buckwheat, peas, fennel and a lot more, all together.