Channel: Ron Williams
Category: Sports
Tags: cardio muscle buildingbutterfliesstrengthwider back muscleslat musclescardiobuild musclelower back exercisesswimmingplatform divingspringboard divingbutterfly strokedivingron williamscross training muscle buildingbutterflyrhomboidsswimming exercisesbelly flopback workoutback posescrossfitpull-upsepic belly flopcardio swimmingback musclesbodybuilderback exercisestrapscross-trainingmr universebodybuildingbuild your back
Description: I love finding fun, fresh ways to do CROSS-TRAINING and CARDIO. Swimming is one of my favorites, especially the BUTTERFLY STROKE. It's one of the most INTENSE exercises you can do to BUILD YOUR BACK - REALLY! So, join me for a day at the pool, check out some of my SWIMMING routine and find out some other ways I keep cardio and cross-training from becoming monotonous. And, you don't want to miss the MR UNIVERSE EPIC BELLY FLOP!!! Watch the full BELLY FLOP videos here: Part 1 - Part 2 - Ron Williams - NATURAL Mr. Universe 7x, Mr. World 7x, Mr. Olympia 7x