Channel: TheBayAreaRacing
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: street racingvehicle virginsracingveyrondrag raceturbolamborghini urus 2018lamborghinif1thatracingchannelcorvetteaventadorbugatti veyronaccelerationbartop geartj huntroadstreetreviewdrag racing1320videoworldstarshifts3ctorveyron bugattibbcsuperchargerjames mayraceveyron vs gtrmo vlogsducatineverliftexhaustferrarilamborghini guestreetspeed717fastsupercarsveyron top speednew lamborghini 2018lambobugattiveyron vs chiron
Description: The Veyron is 1 of 12 Sang Noir's on Earth. It has an 8.0L V16 with 4 turbos and costs just shy of 3.5 million dollars, The Two Supercharged Lamborghini Huracans are from Famous Motorsports Visit and for Event Info!