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BTS - Spring Day (JVCKRS Trap Remix)

Duration: 03:36Views: 1.4MLikes: 46.9KDate Created: Jun, 2017

Channel: Atomic Rebel

Category: Music

Tags: templatebootlegrecordsreleasedlmashupbts ar trapofficialvideofireworksblood sweat tearsdownloadmusicbts fire remixogexclusivefirespring daytrap'봄날freeboostedblood sweat & tearsbts spring day ar trap remixmixdancebtsnewbts - spring day (jvckrs trap remix)originaleditmvnot today trap remixdopearmyarroitershteinbassbts remix2017bts spring day jvckrs trap remixbts spring day trap remixboostjvckrsbts spring day remixfreshremix

Description: Download It Now! smarturl.it/SpringDayJVCKRS Click "Show More" Follow our Spotify Playlist! ➥ smarturl.it/804Dipping-Spotify Follow BTS: ibighit.com twitter.com/BTS_bighit twitter.com/BTS_twt facebook.com/bangtan.official instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial weibo.com/BTSbighit ♫ Support JVCKRS ♫ ○ soundcloud.com/jvckrstwitter.com/JVCKRSUNITEDinstagram.com/jvckrsmusicgoo.gl/9JQhzA "Spring Day" Music Video: goo.gl/ue6Rkh Get ‘YOU NEVER WALK ALONE’ on: iTunes: itunes.apple.com/album/you-never-walk-alone/id1204716563?l=ko&ls=1&app=itunes Tidal: listen.tidal.com/album/70296880 Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/64WayBZ9Mrx8iGOpME5vpI #AR_Network #AR ♫ Support & Follow AR Trap / AR Network ♫ ○ Subscribe: bit.ly/2aQRGCb ○ Facebook: facebook.com/AR.Network.Official ○ Instagram: instagram.com/ar.network ○ SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/ar-official1 ◘ Download the Wallpaper ◘ alpha.wallhaven.cc/wallpaper/156811 *If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact (alikmusic12@gmail.com) with me and I will delete it immediately (this includes artists of the images used). *If you want to remove a song that you own on my channel please e-mail me ASAP, I will respond within 24 hours or less. There is never a need to strike a video down when you can get it removed within the same day and keep the channel and yourself happy!

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