Channel: DiplexHeated
Category: Gaming
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Description: Download Gemstone Legends now! Use the link above or activate your bonus by using code #diplex# in any of the ingame chats! Remember to do this within the first 3 hours of installing the game! Game: You guys wanted to see a Kaiserreich-style Tug of War, so here we go! Imperial Germans and Russians battle for the control of a border line between the two nations. This is the first time I'm experimenting with zones and deploying units when certain areas of the map are reached by either friendly or enemy troops! The battle for the middle was rather brutal and I think we can improve and further develop the use of zones and triggers. Thank you for watching! Note: All my maps and battles are modified/not part of the original game and does not represent the finished product. Everything you see is yours to experience if you so wish to create it. My version of the game contains no third-party content. Some videos/battles may contain footage of edited damage models and gun ranges. Everything is created in the GEM game engine's editor, allowing me to make fully custom battle simulations.