Category: Entertainment
Tags: hornby 00model railway layouts uk00 gauge model railways ukmodel rail ukmodel railway uktrain diorama00 gauge trainsemumodel railwaymodel trains ukdmu00 gaugepilentumrailway modeloo gaugeoo gauge layoutrailway modelling ukmodel rail layouts uktrain station dioramaoo gauge trains00 gauge layout00 gauge model railway layouts ukmodel trainsbritish railway modellingoo gauge model railway layouts ukbachmannmodel railroad
Description: In this video we discover a superb British model railway layout built by Joel Nicholl. The model train diorama is called “Trepatrick Junction”. The OO gauge modern image layout is set in a fictional present day Cornish Town. The model rail depicts a 5 platform terminus station. Joel Nicholl started to build this British layout in September 2019. The model rail layout progressed quickly in 2020 and is now nearing completion with just a few more details to add as a layout is never really finished. Joel’s model train layout features colour light signals, controlled by a set of switches, as well as working point motors. He has also wired up a number of lighting features including traffic lights, interior lights on buildings, street lights and many other small lighting features such as illuminated vending machines. The main attraction is, of course, the rolling stock consisting of diesel multiple units (DMU) and electric multiple units (EMU). The trains that you see running include: Bachmann class 350 EMU - 4 carriages “London Midland” livery, Bachmann class 108 DMU - 2 carriages “Network Southeast” livery, Hornby class 153 single car DMU “GWR” livery and Hornby class 121 single car DMU “Network Southeast” livery. Trepatrick Junction on Instagram Trepatrick Junction on YouTube Pilentum Television