Channel: Pyre realm gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: moddingautomodsmodgrand theft autogta5 modsbreaking gtagrandtheftgta onlinegta modgta5gtavgta moddinggtagta modsgrand theft auto onlineonlinedlcfunnybreaking
Description: In this video we attempt to break the first 2 prologue missions in Grand theft auto 5 using mods such as deleting characters, modifying characters and making edits to objects. Sign up to Grand RP today! For the best GTA RP experience ever! If you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you're new to the Pyrerealm gaming channel for loads more videos coming to you very soon! Make sure to subscribe! Then visit the official Pyrerealm gaming Patreon page! If you're on PC check out our discord! Also check out our twitter @ #gta #funny #gtaonline