Channel: No Focks Given
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: noawadisfaze rug brotherrugclipsbrandon awadisgirls dramafazefaze rugscary fan storiesfoxtanner fox podcastbrandonmonster mavpodcastbrawadis exnfg podcastscary fanjackietanner foxbrawadis relationshipbrawadis girlfriend dramano focks givengiventannerbrawadisbrawadis girlfriendyoutubernfgfansrug brotherbrawadis relationship jackiescary fansfocksmcclarrenmaverick leonardcrazy fan storiescrazyno fox givenbest podcast
Description: Tanner and Mav welcome on Brandon Awadis, aka Brawadis. Youtuber, die hard Phoenix Sun's fan, brother to an incredibly well known family, and ultimate prankster. Right off the bat Brandon explains the early stages of him and his brothers life, from elementary school to college. With both of their hard work and devotion to youtube, Brandon and Rug have built an empire together in different ways. Brandon explains how he became such a die hard Phoenix Suns fan, his current relationship status, some of his scariest fan encounters, he clears up some fan questions on his ex & past relationships, his youtube strategy, why he really moved out of his house, supercar talk, and more. Find us on iTunes: Subscribe to NFG Clips for exclusive clips! Find us on Spotify: Find us on Instagram! @nofocksgiven Find the NFG exclusive clips channel: Subscribe to Tanner's personal channel: Subscribe to Maverick's personal channel: Find us on Tiktok @nofocksgivenpodcast Shop Tfoxbrand apparel: