Channel: JAWA TINO
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: 2 stroke flat twinexhaust soundbmw r 10 2stroke boxerengine soundbikesmotorcycle encyclopediemoto specsmotorcycles specification2 stroke boxer prototypesmotorcyclesvelocette viceroymototechnical descriptionengine runmotorbikesmavisa 2 stroke boxerbmw r10 2stroke boxer prototypeenginesbikers2 stroke boxerifa mz bkmotorcycle historyboxer 2 stroke
Description: In this video you will see motorcycles with a two-cylinder, two-stroke boxer engine, of which very little has been produced, even some remain only in the prototype phase. Many thanks to all bikers and motorcycle fans who contributed their videos to our motorcycle channel. If you have a motorcycle at home that you built yourself, or an old, interesting or unusual motorcycle that you would like to show, please send me short videos from your camera or mobile phone to: We Transfer - I will process your videos and publish them on our motorcycle YouTube channel - Jawa Tino