Channel: BMCO
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: subframehow totube bendermotossaddlemetal workjdsquaredscramblertracker 125frame workbikemotorcyclebuilt tipscustom tipsdiycaferacerdeus ex machinatrackerbike built offbmcohandmadeendurocreatorweldingbuiltborncustommotocrossborn trackermotorheadbratmotorcycle seatyoutube creatorsborn tracker 125urban enduroborncobattery boxmotorcycle modification
Description: This is the very last Tracker motorcycle model I built and will ever do, I'm talking about this concrete model, of course I will continue doing other bikes and stuff. Its the same bike of the first video I post in this channel but this time I show how I made subframe, battery box and so many other stuff. As always I hope you like it and enjoy watching it!.