Category: Pets & Animals
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Description: Watch Boomer (CAT) go for a ride on a skimboard at the river, with Didga cheering him on! Plus he plays and hang-out at the rivers edge just like a dog. THANKS for sharing, commenting and subscribing - FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - Popular Videos - Tutorials - FAQ'S Filmed with a GoPro Hero 4 Edited: Final Cut Song name: Summer Never Ends (production music, not available on iTunes) SPONSOR: Visit Skytech Innovations for drones, gimbals and a lot more - (for discounts, tell them CATMANTOO sent you) and a special thanks to GoPro cameras ABOUT THIS VIDEO - Boomer is a highly taught Bengal. Just know Bengals are NOT lap cats and are not for everyone, they're high maintenance requiring daily exercise/stimulation, the same effect you would need to raising a dog the right way. Please adopt don't shop, spay and neuter your pets and don't ever declaw your cats. No animals were harmed or forced to do anything in the making of this video. I've been a professional animal trainer for over 34 years. Many of the tricks and amazing things you see Didga and Boomer do take many-many days, weeks, months, even YEARS of practice and perfecting before filming ever starts. (100%positive training only) Please don't try the things you see at home, I'd feel bad if your cat was hurt or forced into doing something they don't want to do. Watch my tutorials to learn how to teach your cat. Thanks for sharing our videos Robert, Didga and Boomer