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Duration: 07:06Views: 11.2KLikes: 864Date Created: May, 2020

Channel: Little Book Owl

Category: People & Blogs

Tags: books i want to readto be readfictiontbrbooktubebooks to readlittle book owllittlebookowlliterature (media genre)booktubermay tbr

Description: books I want to read in May Asian Readathon Twitter - twitter.com/asianreadathon Info - bit.ly/2020asianreadathon The Name of the Book Club Twitter - twitter.com/nameofthebook Instagram - instagram.com/nameofthebook Facebook - facebook.com/nameofthebookclub Cosmerealong w/ Royally Booked Club Twitter - @Rachael Marie Cosmerealong announcement - youtube.com/watch?v=xuzBpB25m-U @Books with Chloe Best manga/graphic novels/comics of 2018 - youtube.com/watch?v=4RpbGVC-uyc S Y M B O L S 🎁 - gifted 🏷️ $ - bought myself βœ‰οΈ REV - received for review from publisher/author πŸ’Ό W - books published by Hachette, my employer ⭐ AD - sponsored ☁️ AFF - affiliate links (I receive a small commission) *TW - trigger warnings available in description T R I G G E R W A R N I N G S Note: I will only include trigger warnings for books I have read D I S C O U N T C O D E S - I receive NO commission ➳ Use β€˜BOOKOWL’ for 10% off at fairyloot.com (first box in the monthly subscription only) ➳ Use 'LITTLEBOOKOWL5' for 5% off at illumicrate.com (3 or 6 month subscriptions only) A F F I L I A T E L I N K S - I receive a small commission ➳ Use 'igamb3283' for 2 months of Skillshare Premium for FREE: skl.sh/littlebookowl2 ➳ Get a free audiobook: bit.ly/audibleLBO ➳ Shop with Book Depository (free shipping to most countries): bookdepository.com/?a_aid=catrionaaa D I S C L A I M E R This video is not sponsored. All thoughts and opinions are my own. M U S I C To My Soul by Jerry Folk F I N D M E ➳ I N S T A instagram.com/LittleBookOwl ➳ T W I T T E R twitter.com/LittleBookOwl ➳ G O O D R E A D S goodreads.com/LittleBookOwl ➳ W E B S I T E LittleBookOwl.com ➳ F A C E B O O K facebook.com/LittleBookOwl F A Q β—‹ Where are you from/what is your accent? I am Australian β—‹ What camera do you use? Canon EOS60D for regular videos Canon PowerShot G7 for vlogging β—‹ What do you use to edit your videos? Final Cut Pro β—‹ What did you study? I have a Bachelor of Arts with a major in English & minor in Anthropology

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