Channel: Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: mountainsflowstoneabandoned minefhoodmine tunnelabandoned mine hikemining historybones and flowstones in the abandoned bessie mineabandoned minesunusual placesmine explorationexploring minesabandonedflow stonemine tunnelssilver minemine shafthiking to minesold minesdangerous minescopper mineminesdesert hikingbonesexploring abandoned mines and unusual placesdesertbessie minefinding abandoned mines
Description: As we were making our way back down the mountain, Nick (Miner49er) spotted an almost hidden, abandoned mine entrance not too far off the route we were taking. Of course, we had to make our way over to the mine so we could check it out. We found ourselves at the portal of the Bessie Mine which was probably active just over 100 years ago. Copper was probably mined here along with zinc, lead, and silver. We explored extensive underground workings where the miners from a century ago once toiled in dangerous conditions to extract their ore. Along the way we found old bones, flowstone, and branching tunnels leading deeper into the mountain. Nick's channel is here: Swing on by Nick's channel and watch some of his excellent videos of abandoned mines that he's been posting for a couple years now. And don't forget to subscribe to Nick's channel, too, while you're there! #ExploringAbandonedMines #AbandonedMines #MineExploring #UndergroundExploration