Channel: SerpaDesign
Category: Education
Tags: riparianplanted aquariumdiyripariumbogbog filteraquariumdo it youselfaquascapefish tank
Description: In this one, I make a unique type of aquarium that I've had in concept for awhile now. It uses a few of the concepts from the upflow overflow aquascape (, but with its own sort of twist and flavor. What do you think of the result? As you well know, I really like the idea of using riparian (emersed) plant growth to filter my tanks. They're very effective at doing so and they look great in the process. In this instance, I decided to create an upflow filter system with a few glass orbs and other materials I had around the house. I've also seen a few comments recently that wanted me to outline the deconstruction and build process of making tanks in more detail. I took the opportunity to share that since I was doing it already. Like I said though, it's easier to buy a pre-made enclosure or get pre-cut glass from a local glazier. Do so at your own discretion and be sure to wear gloves and safety goggles. 00:00 Intro 00:29 Modifying an Aquarium 02:43 Building the Enclosure 04:14 Hardscape 06:03 Creating Orb Filters 07:48 Pump Installation 08:27 Adding Details 09:34 Orb Media 10:38 Adding Plants 12:52 Adding Fish 13:27 Finished Aquascape FritzZyme Turbo Start was provided with a paid promotion by Fritz Aquatics Learn More in my Blog Buy Merch Follow SerpaDesign Instagram - TikTok - Second Channel - #aquascape #diy #serpadesign