Channel: Wave
Category: Gaming
Tags: god modecampingpackapuncheggbo2ragingrevelationsinfinitebo3kidteleportthundergunbowdragoneastertrollingchroniclesshimawavepunchglitchgobblegumdlc5warfarezombiegiantweedtrapinvertedzombiesmultiplayerfunnystaffstrainnuketownblacktrollangryraypacksqueakerapothiconopstreyarchragestoner
Description: Enjoy the video Bub.... in 1080p. Love you all ツ This troll hasnt really been touched on from what I can see. I was informed about this glitch through a comment on one of my videos, this is the channel I learnt about it from (Im not sure if he is the founder, good content regardless..) - This glitch is monumentally simple to pull off if you want to try it for yourself on randoms or friends, just stay still after landing off a jump pad, and the next person to tag along will have a good chance of getting stuck/trapped. Once you have them stuck, they cannot move or even kill themselves until you say so. Hope you enjoy Friends that helped: d3stroy1988 FuriousBlackBoy - Palombi 17 - Social Media: SnapChat: mrwave12