Channel: Captain Cleanfreak
Category: People & Blogs
Description: The BNHA gang becomes pirates. Which, of course, is a total hot mess. Todoroki and Bakugou won't stop fighting. Poor Deku keeps getting caught in the middle of it. Shinsou is throwing knives. And Uraraka... Uraraka has a gun. What further chaos will ensue with the BNHA squad as pirates? Watch our newest My Hero Academia CMV to find out! ****** Cast Deku : @Captaincleanfreak Katsuki Bakugou : @Kitsvnebi Hitoshi Shinso : @Kumihocos Ochaco Uraraka : @Mikunadia Shoto Todoroki: @killjoy_cos Camera: @onlyongracexm **** We have new cosplay skits and content on the horizon, both for BNHA and other fandoms as well, so make sure to subscribe to never miss an update!