Channel: YourGuitarSage
Category: Music
Tags: erich andreaslearn guitarblues guitar riffshow to playelectric guitarguitar lessonblues guitar licksbeginner bluesguitarblues guitarvideo lessonsblues guitar tutorialbeginner blues guitarunstoppable guitar systemguitar practiceguitar lessonsyourguitarsageacoustic guitarbeginner guitar lessonshow to play guitartexas blues guitar
Description: My friends, this is a full lesson preview from a course I produced with Corey Congilio called "Blues By Yourself", which is on sale for 92% off right now! That offer is good until Sunday at 1:00pm CST! You can grab this discount at the link below! Corey's other courses are also on sale through Sunday. Those links are below as well! This deal has ended my friends. Be sure to subscribe & also follow me on social media to learn about other great deals that I have coming! Instagram: Facebook: