Channel: iiisxphie
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: aeroziaroleplaybloxburg roleplay houseeishovaspeedbuildssummermodernfrenchrxseswelcome to bloxburgbloxburg cheap mansionmansionbloxburg cheap speedbuildsayzriarobloxbloxburg speedbuildstritsterminicylitoikotoribloxburg mini mansioncheapretreatanixileahxobloxburg modern housefroggyhopzbloxburgethrielle
Description: hi, welcome to my channel, i do speedbuilds and build on bloxburg, this summer i will be super active on robox and small builds on instagram! read more to get my social media information! house details ♡ -this house is a pretty modern roleplay house, its mini and modern as you can tell by the title. this house consists of 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, 1 pool and 2 balcony's. tour is at 44:21 ♡ first person to comment " bloxburg " gets there comment pinned ♡ SOCIAL MEDIA- instagram: iiiSxphiee roblox: iiisxphie follow me on both, i follow back on roblox! bloxburg merch ♡!/about discord: