Channel: What makes it tick?
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: fuelmesopotamiaberriesexplainedfireplacedomesticinsect waxhearthlatin americaroman empirefireolive oilbutter nutscastor oilbeeswaxeuropefalse saffron oilglow wormafricaeducationalilluminationhawaiibitumentorchsesame oiltechnologylightinglaurent chrzanovskifoodcretemediterraneanbeekeepingamazonminoanlightscienceinventionpalm oil
Description: Which continents of the world had it easy in lighting up the home? Who had the fuels that drove the enlightenment of civilisation? Join Laurent Chrzanovski for the latest episode in his new series, Lighting Through The Ages, a social history of domestic lighting. Find out more: Timeline of lighting technology Electrifying: the story of lighting our homes - Oil lamps -