Channel: S0ur
Category: Gaming
Tags: call of duty cold warblack ops cold warblack opss0urpatchs0urpatchadultscold war playthroughblack ops cold war playthroughcod cold warsours0urbocwcold war campaigncold war campaign endingblack ops cold war campaign gameplaysourpatchblack ops cold war campaigntreyarchblack ops cold war gameplaycold war campaign reactioncold war campaign reviewsourpatchadults
Description: Here's my blind Realism campaign playthrough of Black Ops Cold War - on time for once! I've stayed spoiler free so I can react to whatever happens. I do play both main endings here, and perhaps I'll have a follow-up going through to play through some of the alternate paths, and getting all the achievements and challenges I missed. I thought it was a very fun game to play through, and I'd definitely say I liked putting this playthrough together much more than last year's fiasco. Hope you enjoy, all you fans of the good old 4 hour reaction playthroughs. Timestamps (split up by main missions): 0:00 - Intro 0:36 - No More Hostages (Cutscene) 2:10 - Nowhere Left to Run 13:46 - Perseus (Cutscene) 16:46 - Black Debrief: Preparation (Cutscene) 17:33 - CIA Safehouse E9 21:55 - The Memory (Cutscene) 22:58 - Fracture Jaw 39:28 - Black Debrief: Decryption (Cutscene) 40:21 - East Berlin Briefing 46:02 - Operation Red Circus (Optional Mission) 55:00 - Anton Volkov (Cutscene) 55:59 - Brick in the Wall 1:24:06 - Behind the Iron Curtain (Cutscene) 1:24:56 - Redlight, Greenlight 1:43:03 - Confrontation (Cutscene) 1:45:55 - The Excavation (Cutscene) 1:46:55 - Echoes Of a Cold War 2:08:48 - Black Debrief: Names (Cutscene) 2:09:35 - Lubyanka Briefing 2:11:58 - Going Inside (Cutscene) 2:12:46 - Desperate Measures 2:40:54 - Black Debrief: Hastings (Cutscene) 2:42:07 - Cuba Briefing 2:43:13 - Operation Chaos (Optional Mission) 2:51:39 - A Trial to Cuba (Cutscene) 2:52:25 - End of the Line 3:05:04 - Black Debrief: Fiasco (Cutscene) 3:05:52 - Interrogation 3:08:00 - Descension (Cutscene) 3:08:52 - Break on Through 3:32:44 - Identity Crisis 3:33:35 - Revelation (Cutscene) 3:38:15 - An Important Task (Cutscene) 3:39:36 - The Final Countdown 3:46:56 - "Truth" ending scenes 3:52:09 - Mini Review / Thoughts 3:55:14 - Looking at achievements 3:56:30 - The Lie & No Doubt (Cutscene) 3:58:40 - Ashes to Ashes 4:03:51 - "Lie" ending scenes 4:07:40 - Looking at challenges, end -------------------------------------------------------------- S0ur Twitter: S0ur Discord Server: Website: