Channel: omgurheadsgone
Category: Gaming
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Description: These are some simple Black Ops 3 Tips & Tricks for new COD players, so they can improve their KDR and become a better Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 player! ►►Let's Reach 250 Ratings!◀►Help Me Reach 150k Subscribers:◀◀ _ I would really appreciate it if you - Subscribe to TheKidWith3Moles: _ Want to submiting your amazing GTA 5 clips for my "GTA 5 Most Amazing & Funny Moments Series"? Any clip is accepted, as long as it is a cool stunt, a funny moment, or just something rare and random that you think is cool enough to showcase! ►►►►How To Submit Your Clips:◀◀◀◀ Step 1: Upload clip to your YouTube channel, avoid copyrighted music and I'd prefer if the submission is "unlisted" but it doesn't have to be. Step 2: Go to my YouTube Profile, Click "about" tab, and then click "send message" Step 3: Message me a link to your submission (link me to your youtube video), and include the following in the message, this is important! "By submitting my video to the "omgurheadsgone" Channel, I hereby acknowledge that I grant @omgurheadsgone a perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, monetize, or modify my video for commercial use." Step 4: You're done, if it's awesome, funny, or amazing in any way, it will be in a GTA 5 Most Amazing episode soon! ► Use the code "HEADSGONE" for 10% off KontrolFreeks! ► KontrolFreek - *Connect with me* ► Twitter: ► Facebook: ► Twitch: ► Instagram: ► Google+: _ Check out these other videos: GTA 5 Online - STRIPPER GLITCH ALLOWS YOU TO ACCESS SECRET APARTMENT HALLWAY LOBBY! (GTA V) _ Music From Monstercat: Title: PIXL & Pairanoid - Bring It Link: _ For More GTA 5 Online Tips & Tricks, GTA 5 Next Gen On PS4 & XBOX One, GTA 5 News, GTA 5 Glitches & GTA 5 Funny Moments, Subscribe here: _ Have nice day!