Channel: Sarah Stephanie Landry
Category: Entertainment
Tags: politicswhite privilegetrumpusawhite fragilityall lives matterartistunited statesfirst nationswho do you protectreal time drawingfriendship centrewho do you servedrawing and talkingdrawingabstract artistblackout tuesdayracismartraceabstract artart as meditationstream of consciousnessdoodleblack lives matterdoodlingcurrent eventsautomatic drawingcanadasketchbook storytimemeditationvlogselfrealtime drawingabstract drawing
Description: I wasn't gonna go here... but hey, this is what I get for not planning my video topics before I start filming. Originally, I was going to make this a video about communication, sharing some funny stories about misunderstandings I've witnessed (and been a part of) in my years of working retail, but alas, the covert racism that's been popping up on Facebook was weighing so heavily on my mind that I couldn't help but talk about it... for two whole hours... To download your copy of "Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect," click here: If you like gemstone jewelry and want some made by yours truly, my Etsy shop is: And if you'd like to support my channel, you can become a Patron here: