Channel: Drone B
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: excavator tricksexcavator road buildingexcavator hill cuttingjcb loaderhillside road workmountain road constructionjcb road constructionexcavator cutting hillexcavator workingmini excavator workingjcb tractorexcavatorexcavator road workjcb road working videojcb road makingexcavator making roadjcb backhoe videojcb videoexcavator road constructiondrone b
Description: Black Cardamom Rocky Hillside Road Widening with Sany Excavator In the presented video of sany excavator, the sany excavator operator can be seen cutting hill to widen a rocky hillside road surrounded by a cardamom farm. The hillside road was very narrow and two vehicles could hardly run at the same time. The sany excavator operator is picking out huge rocks which were on the hill, it was hard for the excavator operator to cut the rocks. The villagers were very happy to see the road getting widened. Now it becomes easier for them to supply their agricultural products up to the market. Even they can easily transport their necessary goods from the city market to their village. For more please, watch the video. #excavator #excavatorvideo #sanyexcavator