Channel: The BIGGEST
Category: Entertainment
Tags: spider bitebiglargestgiant spiderhercules spidertop 10scary spiderstarantulagoliath spiderpoison spiderface eatercamel spiderbiggesthuntsman spiderthe biggesthugeface eating tarantula
Description: Learn about the BIGGEST of everything in the world! Check out our new videos, posted every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. There's something for everyone. Be sure to subscribe right here: 10. Cerbalus Aravaensis In the Arava Valley of Israel and Jordan you'll find a spider that is 5.5 inches (14cm) in length. It’s something you'll want to watch out for at all times, a truly terrifying creature called the Cerbalus Aravaensis. It’s known as the biggest huntsman-type spider in the Middle East. 9. Brazilian Wandering Spider In Central or South America there is a spider known as the Brazilian Wandering Spider, and not only is it deadly, it's one of the biggest spiders in the entire world. That makes it something you do not want to come across. 8. Camel Spider The Camel Spider is a 6 inch (15cm) spider and its name comes from how they are very much camel colored. As in their color palette is one that is very similar to camels. What might surprise you though is that this spider has something more in common with a scorpion in that it has two massive fangs that it'll use to bite into anything...including humans. Which by the way is something it can do, and it can get to you rather quickly as they're known for their speed. 7. Hercules Baboon Spider The Hercules Baboon Spider is one of the largest spiders you'll find in Africa at 8 inches (20cm) in length. The catch is that they haven't been seen in the wild since 1900, and thus raises questions about whether they're around in large numbers. Though one is in a museum in the UK. 6. Face-Size Tarantula Yes, that is a curious name for a spider isn't it? But the Face-Size Tarantula is something that happens to have been discovered to be the size of a human face, and there are plenty of pictures to help prove that point and cement not only how big this spider is, but why you won't want one crawling upon you. 5. Colombian Giant Tarantula Also known as the Colombian Giant Redleg, this species is known to get between 6-8 inches (15-20cm) in length depending on the individual. It primarily resides in Colombia as the name would suggest, but it also has a habit of appearing in Brazil so it can lay eggs in logs. 4. Grammostola anthracina Many large spider species live in South America, and that's where you'll find ones like the Grammostola anthracina in countries such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. Not unlike certain other specially sized spiders, the Grammostola anthracina is a popular pet that is known for being quite docile. 3. Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater At 11 inches (27cm) in size, the Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater is easily one of the biggest spiders in existence, and only a single inch from being the same size as the top two out there (that we know of). But it's not just the Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater's size that you should take note of, it's got a lot more to offer if you're willing to take a look. For example, the males of the species are the ones with the longer legs, and yet it's the females who have the heavier build. A discrepancy that can sometimes happen in certain genders in certain species 2. Giant Huntsman Spider There are many ways to measure size, and thus there is a bit of a contest in regards to spiders to see which is the largest among them. In terms of raw size and leg span, the winner of largest spider would go to the Giant Huntsman Spider. In terms of leg span, the Giant Huntsman Spider can reach up to one foot (30cm) in length from end to end. 1. Goliath Birdeater The Goliath Birdeater is the world's largest spider by mass, weighing in around 6.2 oz. (175 grams) It is another kind of spider that is able to get to 12 inches (30cm) in length at times, which is part of the reason that its name is "Birdeater", because it has the ability to do such a thing should it want to, and if you're curious, yes, the spider has been witnessed eating birds it has caught through various means. What really makes it dangerous though is that it's a kind of spider that has many different ways to harm you. First and foremost, it does have a bite that is venomous. It's not enough to kill, but it can be likened to a wasp sting, and anyone who has been stung by a wasp knows that those can be quite painful.