Channel: Howfinity
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: youtubehow tohow to grow on youtubebest youtube tools to grow your channeltools for youtube channelgrow your youtube channelhowfinitybest youtube toolsbest tools for youtubebest tool for growing a youtube channelyoutube keyword researchhow to grow your youtube channel fasttutorialyoutube tools
Description: Get unlimited Royalty-free stock footage and music from Envato Elements One of the best ways to grow a YouTube channel is by increasing retention time. That means simply getting people to watch more of your video without clicking away. So how do we get people to stay on our video for longer? It comes down to the content of the video and if the video is visually interesting. Most YouTubers and YouTube channels use a talking head. That’s when you sit here like this and talk directly to the camera. But that can get boring. Even if the information is really good, it needs something visually interesting to keep people watching. The best way to do that is by using a b-roll, graphics, and music. I wanted to show you the platform I use to find a stock video to use as b-roll, graphics, and music. Envato Elements has been my sponsor for this channel and I’ve personally used them for years for my video creation process. Envato Elements is an all-in-one platform for everything you need to create engaging videos and I’m going to show you an example of how I use them for my YouTube videos. They provide unlimited downloads for stock photos, stock videos, music, graphics, and more. You simply subscribe and you can download everything you want and it’s all royalty-free, meaning you can use it without any issues on YouTube. After I tell my story in my video, I just on Envato Elements and start to think of complementary elements I can use to keep the story more visually interesting. I usually start with stock videos and music. Once I have enough of those, I may look for graphics that I can use as overlays in my editing. You can even go a step further and use sound effects and animated motion graphics. You can spend as little or as much time as you want to take your YouTube videos to the next level. Thank you for watching this video! Subscribe to see more simple and easy to follow how-to videos. Recommended YouTube Gear and tool: (includes affiliate links) ✅ YouTube gear checklist ▶️ Tubebuddy 📲 More Tutorials Software/platforms: 📷 Adobe Photoshop 🎞 Adobe Premiere 🔐 VPN Courses: ▶️ Grow Your Own YouTube Channel - Free Training 🎨 Photoshop Masterclass 🎬 iMovie Video Editing Course 🎥 Video Production Accelerator Course 🎬 Adobe Premiere Editing Course