Channel: querly
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: endurofreestylebikelifepolizeiktmgrenzgaengerramphondawheeliertlmxhusqvarnaquerlychasecrashfailexcyamahatrialboypolicebest ofschweyengrenzgänger
Description: Well, what should i say? Too much for this video today.. Don't make the same mistakes like me!! The year was a tough one, but this shit makes us stronger! Go for 2022 ♥ COMMENT + LIKE + SUBSCRIBE = WET HANDSHAKE 😂 The best brand right below!! 🔥 ☠ GRENZGAENGER SHOP ☠ ► 💬 You can also order on WhatsApp! +49 721 45195105 🟣 SOMETIMES LIVE ON TWITCH: ► 🎥 RAW Videos: ► 🎤 My VLOG channel: ► 💙 Facebook ►querly on Facebook: ►Grenzgaenger: ❌ ❌ ❌ Info for all Supermoto, Enduro, Car, Quad or whatever fanatics : DON'T TRY TO RIDE LIKE US!! WE HAVE MUCH EXPERIENCE WITH OUR BIKES AND ALREADY HAD MANY CRASHES!! WE KNOW WHERE OUR LIMITS ARE - WHAT WE DO IS VERY DANGEROUS!! ❌ ❌ ❌ #querly #enduro #supermoto