Channel: The River and Wilder Show
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: kids fishing lessonfamily funvancouver islandriver and wilder showtv for kidsgiant fishkid adventurestv show for kidskids catch monsteradventure kidspacific pro charterskid anglersriver and wilder youtubemonster salmonkids catch fishriver and wilderwilderness adventuresport renfrewyoutube river and wilderoutdoor adventurelearn to fishfamily vacationfishing funrawsmy first fish
Description: River, Wilder and Archer learn how to fish when a pro angler gives the boys a fishing lesson and teaches them how to fish for monster West Coast on Vancouver Island Chinook Salmon with hearing, flashers and downriggers. Will the boys catch a monster? Who wins the fishing competition? Can they land their dream fish? Pacific Pro Charters: Subscribe: Watch the latest: Watch more: River and Wilder Show Season 1: River and Wilder Show Season 2: All Seasons: Most Popular: Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: #KidsFishing #FishingLesson #MonsterSalmon #RiverandWilderShow TV FOR KIDS! We've got kids, fun and adventure! Join our family as we travel, explore, and go on kid-friendly adventures making episodes for our fun kids channel. Families who watch the show are known to go outside more, take on lofty art projects, and be inspired to plan their own great adventures.