Channel: MSI Gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: overclockinggeforcemsiryzenbenchmarkingmegrainbow sixmagliquid coolingnvidiapower supplygamingtridentmpga1000gsuprimextractioncoreliquidg.skillintelm480rtx 3090 tis3605800x3dcore i9amd12900ks
Description: The MSI Insiders will put the all-new Intel Core i9-12900KS to the test! Together with our technical expert Ruudt, we will benchmark this new flagship CPU to see what it brings to the table. We will combine it with the GeForce RTX 3090 Ti SUPRIM X 24G graphics card, let's see if the MPG A1000G power supply can still handle it. #12900KS #rtx3090ti #a1000g ---------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us to get the latest news! ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: