Channel: Fathia Izzati
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: bukalapakfakultas hukumfathia izzatimotivation2012motivation videovideofathia izzati agung hapsahkittendustceocoveragung hapsahvlogger indonesiafathiajeff bezosjakartavideo viralukuleleachmad zaky itbfathia izzati vlogagung hapsah dan fathia izzatigirlindonesiaaccentyoutuber indonesiaamazonachmad zakyuniversitas indonesiacollaborationceo talksachmad zaky bukalapakfhuivlog
Description: In which I meet with Achmad Zaky and Agung Hapsah, and talk about the start of Bukalapak and how it's doing now. Enjoy! Video shot and edited by Ferry Irwandi