Channel: Trent Shy
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: horror moviehow togouldiesclay animationvideohorror claymationsculpthorror shorthellclaydo it yourselffreakylee hardcastletrent shyhardcastleguldiesstop motionhow to make stop motionscarytwin talesstop-motionbloodystop motion animationterrorhorrorwtfadult swimrick and mortycreativeanimationmonstershort filmrick mortyweirdmaking ofcrazybehind the senescreepyanimatorclaymationscared
Description: This is a time-lapse of the 11 hour live stream I did on Instagram. This video is 9 hours in real-time because I lost a couple hours of footage. This was a tough one! But I knew it had the potential to be something special, so I put everything I had into it. The response I've gotten on here has blown my mind! Thank you so much! I'll answer any questions that you have in the comments. Camera: Canon Mark IV Animation Software: Dragonframe 4