Channel: Piano With Jonny
Category: Education
Tags: learn jazz pianojazz piano lessonjazz piano for beginnerseasy jazz pianojazz lessonjonny maypiano lead sheetbeginner jazz pianojazz piano accompanimentjazz piano chordshow to improvise jazzpiano lessonjazz pianohow to play jazz pianojazz chordshow to improvise jazz pianopiano guide tonesjazz piano improvisationpiano with jonnypiano improvisationbeginner jazz piano lessonhow to play jazzhow to accompany on piano
Description: ► Get your FREE Top 5 Piano Tips Guide: ► Download this Quick Tip lesson sheet and backing track: LESSON SUMMARY Learning to accompany on piano in the jazz swing style can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. There are so many iceberg topics—chords and voicings, extensions and alterations, rhythms and comping. However, today's Quick Tip will give you a simple system that you can use as a beginner to get a respectable jazz piano accompaniment sound using just 3-notes per chord! Then, you'll apply these chords to Gershwin's "I Got Rhythm" which contains one of the most important song forms in jazz literature. You'll learn: -1 Essential Jazz Song Form -13 Jazz Chords -The Guide Tones Jazz Voicing Technique -2 Comping Rhythms ► Foundations Learning Track for 7th Chords: ► Guide Tone Exercises: ► Pay Lead Sheets with Guide Tones: Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 00:35 - I Got Rhythm 01:01 - Basic Chords 03:37 - Repeat A Section 04:23 - B Section 05:10 - Demo 05:30 - Guide Tone Technique 06:44 - Applying Guide Tones 08:40 - Review A Section 09:16 - B Section 10:00 - Rhythms 10:18 - 1. 4-On-The-Floor 10:41 - 2. Charleston 11:26 - Play with backing track 11:45 - Conclusion === ► Get your FREE 14-Day Trial to PWJ here: ►FACEBOOK: ►INSTAGRAM: ►TIKTOK: ►TWITTER: Happy practicing! Jonny May