Channel: baracksdubs
Category: Comedy
Tags: singingyt:quality=highcomedymaker studiosmichelle obama singingbarack obamaobamamashupne-yo (musical artist)dubsbaracksdubsbarackpolipopbarack obama singingobama singsit's all goodfruttarecher lloyd (musical artist)obama singingmichelle obama (lawyer)remixunilever
Description: Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Don't worry. It's all good. Get the original song free here: Choose the next dub! Click to tweet: Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! - If you've somehow read this far, I'm going throw something out there. I'm thinking of starting a Patreon ( page to support this channel into the future. I'm trying to get some feedback without making too much noise quite yet. If Patreon is something you think you'd be interested in contributing to, please email me at with your thoughts. Thank you so much.