Channel: Bright Sun Films
Category: Entertainment
Tags: bad carbright sun filmsnew car companywhat happened to fiskerfiskerstory ofteslafuture carnever madejake williamsfordbankruptcybmwriviantesla model stesla model 3fisker oceanaustan martainelectric carsdocumentaryhybrid sedangmelon muskkarma reverohenrik fiskerluxury carsfailed car20212020cleanbankrupt 8fisker newfamily friendlyfisker karmakarma automotivecancelled carpgjoe bidencar companyhd
Description: Support Bright Sun Films and get early videos, your name at the end of the video, unique Polaroids and exclusive merch - In 2012 there were two major "eco", luxury sedans. Everyone knows about the Tesla Model S and how it succeeded and went on to re-shape the entire auto industry... but many don't know about its rival at the time, Fisker Automotive. They were just as ambitious as Tesla, with a former BMW designer at the helm, guiding their flagship, the Fisker Karma into production. However it ultimately failed and just a few years later the entire company went under. So join me as we explore what happened and how Fisker may be back from the grave and trying another time to take on the automotive industry! Twitter - Reddit - Personal Twitter - Instagram - My Upcoming Feature Documentary - -------------- BrightSunFilms 2020