Channel: Incognito Mode
Category: Comedy
Tags: balloon boydidnothingwrongprankmemedid nothing wrongmayumipublicity stuntfalcon heenemsmfalconcraftaluminium manshipboyspace shiphoaxaccident2009heeneheene familyinternet historiancrimeprisonfake newsballoonthe untold storyheliumjailcoloradoliving mememayumi heenerichard heenedetectiveheene dutymysteryno hoaxwife swapcold caseqandaunsolvedincident
Description: After "Balloon Boy: The Untold Story" was posted on the main channel there were a lot of follow-up questions. Here's a Q & A to address some of those. Featured: Internet Historian and Internet Herstorian. --------- Patreon: Twitch: Twitter: --------- Original video: Link to 911 call: --------- No copyright infringement intended. Copyright media, images and music respective to owner(s). All effort has been made to conceal the identity of non-public figures and all information has been sourced from public record.