Channel: SomecallmeJohnny
Category: Gaming
Tags: somecallmejohnnyvideo game reviewsomecallmejohnny balansomecallmejohnny videobalansomecallmejohnny reviewjohnny vs. balanjohnny vs. balan wonderworldsomecallmejohnny balan wonderworldnaoto ohshimayuji nakabalan wonderworldjohnny vs
Description: Go to for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon. Russ and I completed Balan Wonderworld as a team. I couldn't be bothered to write a script, so we're just gonna tell you our thoughts as they came to mind. Want more of Russ? Visit The Great Geek Refuge! Music courtesy of TheRelaxedMovement Wanna support my Channel? Buy a shirt from my store! Check out my Social Media pages for updates and other...things!