Channel: Daisy's Toy Vlog
Category: Entertainment
Tags: newbadpregnancyfightinggirlsshoestargetdaisys toy vlogmommy and daisycryingwalkingbabyvlogfamilyscaredsisterfunlaughing
Description: Get a personalized video from us on Cameo!! : Baby Scared of Fighting! Hey fam! We vlogged yesterday and today! Luca got his first pair of walking shoes from target they're called Surprize By Stride Rite and they are SOOO caaaauuuute! Then the next day we hung out with my dad and luca got scared when my dad and I pretended to fight ( we were really just tickling eachother LOLLLL) poor luca! Comment and tell us what color luca's new shoes are if you were paying attention!!! LY! đ SUBSCRIBE!đ Its FREE and Family Friendly ALWAYS!!!! đCLICK HERE- đ±SOCIAL MEDIAđ± | -We post funny pics on here almost everyday! |Twitter: -We tweet when we like our fans videos! |Facebook: - we notify you when we post videos and repost other fun stuff! |Snapchat : Daisystoyvlog -- we post funny pics of us looking like puppies on here!