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Duration: 03:00:00Views: 77.2KLikes: 1.1KDate Created: Jan, 2022

Channel: Dauchsy

Category: Entertainment

Tags: lovedauchsy23attract lovesleep musicmanifest meditationsleep meditationattract love meditationguided meditationmanifest lovesleeptrue lovemeditationdauchsylove meditationlaw of attractiondauchsy meditations

Description: Attract True LOVE ~ While You SLEEP ~ SLEEP MEDITATION When I was a young boy. My mother said to me. There’s only one girl in the world for you, and she probably lives in Tahiti. No my mother didn’t really tell me this. These are lyrics from a song from the 70’s called Whole Wide World. This song brings to light the irony of having one true love. That one person in the whole wide world that is perfect for you. That one person that you were meant to be with. The only problem is, they probably live in Tahiti. Many of us believe or used to believe, that there is one true love for all of us. At the perfect moment, fate will guide us directly to our one true love or that one true love will simply come knocking at our front door and instantly fall madly in love. Now all of this one true love and fate stuff may sound absurd to you, but what if I told you that you could make that happen in your life? What if I told you that, if you follow these steps, you will, without a doubt, have that experience? An experience where it seems that fate has intervened. An experience where destiny brings that one perfect person into your life. And you don’t even need to travel to Tahiti. With the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you can make this happen. This meditation will guide you through the steps that will bring true love into your life. The perfect person you have been waiting for. It will feel as if it were meant to be. This is because the subconscious mind works in the background. All of the unbelievable power of your subconscious will be working with no conscious effort of your own. Seeking out, and attracting to you, the exact person, the perfect partner. Everything will fall perfectly into place, as if it were fate. Listen for at least 30 nights and you will manifest that perfect person into your life. So when you are ready, lie down, close your eyes, and lets begin. I am manifesting true love into my life I am attracting the perfect partner I deserve great love in my life and I am receiving it I am open to receive love in my life I am worthy of love I love myself, therefore I allow others to love me I am creating my beautiful love story I am being guided to the love of my life I am so grateful for the winding path that led me to my true love I have found love in my life and it is amazing I manifest the perfect relationship with the one I love Fate is guiding me to the love of my life It is in my destiny to find true love

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