Channel: Twice The Speed TV
Category: Sports
Tags: speed traininghow to train for soccerbaseball trainingrun fasterhow to train for sportsvertical jumpsports workoutshow to run fasterhow to jump highervertical jump traininghow to become a better athletefutbol trainingfootball trainingbasketball traininghow to train for footballhow to train for baseballhow to train for basketballhow to train for your sportsoccer trainingsports trainingathlete trainingyouth sportsgetting the edge
Description: ------ Custom Training I wanted to make this video because a lot of trainers are creating workouts for athletes... However it is the same program for everyone... A 7 year old doing the same workouts as a 16 year old. These two should be doing totally different workouts but people are giving them the same workouts. This is why I created a custom speed training workout software, because everybody trains differently. Start Your Athletic Journey: Subscribe to this channel here: