Channel: VernissageTV
Category: Education
Tags: bildende kunstartvernissagetvswitzerland当代艺术art exhibitionsarte contemporáneoсовременное искусствоcontemporary artgalerie haasarteçağdaş sanatvisual artsbellas artesastrid kleinzürichkunst
Description: In a kind of mini-retrospective, the Haas Gallery in Zurich is currently presenting works by German artist Astrid Klein from the 1980s to the present. She studied at the Academy of Art and Design in Cologne Köln International School of Design from 1973 to 1977. Astrid Klein first became known in the 1970s for her large-format, black-and-white works in which she combines found images and text. She has received numerous awards including the Käthe Kollwitz Prize in 1997 and the Cologne Fine Art Award in 2001. Astrid Klein: Silence or Another Sound / Galerie Haas, Zürich (Switzerland). Opening, March 10, 2022. Exhibition text: Astrid Klein (b. 1951) is one of Germany’s most distinguished conceptual artists. In her large-scale wall works, the artist often combines found images with her own texts or quotations from philosophy, theory, or science to illuminate repressed aspects of the collective unconscious and question conventional power structures and modes of representation. Her oeuvre, which includes photographic works as well as neon and mirror sculptures, installations, paintings, and drawings, oscillates between poetry and critique, skepticism and longing. Klein treats image and text as visual elements of equal importance. In doing so, she not only strips the photographic source material of its narrative logic, but also endows it with moments of ambivalence and subtle irritation, engages sensually with media culture, and illuminates political and socio-critical issues. Whatever medium Astrid Klein uses, the viewer is ultimately always at the center of her work. Her works are intense and haunting, often triggering a surprising moment of reflection in the viewer – and a possible questioning of one’s own social constructs and the way one lives in the world. #astridklein #galeriehaas #zurich More videos on contemporary art, design, architecture: Connect: Browse our Archive: Find Artists, Designers, Architects: Art TV pioneer Vernissage TV provides you with an authentic insight into the world of contemporary fine arts, design and architecture. With its two main series "No Comment" and "Interviews", art tv channel VernissageTV attends opening receptions of exhibitions worldwide, interviews artists, designers, architects. VTV provides art lovers with news, reports and features from the international art scene. VernissageTV: the window to the art world. Das Fenster zur Kunstwelt. La fenêtre sur le monde de l'art. A janela para o mundo da arte. La ventana al mundo del arte. نافذة على عالم الفن. 到艺术世界的窗口。Окно в мир искусства. Since 2005.