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Assassin's Creed Unity: 6 Years Later

Duration: 01:32:27Views: 2.9MLikes: 75.1KDate Created: Jun, 2020

Channel: Whitelight

Category: Gaming

Tags: assassins creed unity parkour gameplayac unity parkourassassin's creed unity review 2020ac unity reviewassassin's creed unity reviewac unity pcassassin's creed unityassassins creed unity 6 years laterassassins creed unity parkourwhite light assassin's creedac unity graphicsassassin's creedac unityassassins creedact unity ps4unity parkourwhitelightac unity gameplayunity reviewassassin's creed unity gameplayac unity 6 years later

Description: Head to squarespace.com/whitelight and use coupon code "whitelight" for 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain and whitelight.store for merch! Unity is popular. Syndicate isn't. Origins isn't. Unity came out 6 years ago. What happened? Is it really underrated? Time to find out. Leo K: youtube.com/user/DarkAlphabetZoup Ad Editor and Thumbnail Artist: twitter.com/leavedavidalone Patreon: patreon.com/whitelightYT Discord: Whitelight#4493 As always, thanks to ChimerainaSuit for over half of the thumbnails on the channel. Recommended Channels: RennsReviews: youtube.com/user/RennsReviews Gingertail: youtube.com/user/Nyasu93

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