Channel: RaffyTaphyASMR
Category: Entertainment
Tags: tongue clickingasmr triggerssleepasmr whisperclose up soundstongue clickrelaxing musicsounds for sleepsleep timevisualsoft spokenvisual asmrclose uprelaxing soundsbinauralrelaxwhisepringrelaxingear to earclose up whisperingasmr tappingclose up whispertriggersliquid soundsvisual triggerasmr muicslowliquidmusic for sleephand movementswhisperasmrclose whisper
Description: Hello! Please enjoy the close up hand movements, whispers and tongue clicking sounds. This visually stimulating video should bring you some relaxation. Enjoy! Music by "ASMR Music": A video example of his work: ASMR Music - water line Follow me on Instagram: @raffytaphy Follow me on twitter: @RaffyTaphyASMR #ASMR #Whispering